Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Sleeping Arrangements

So first of all, sorry I haven't updated this is a while! I've been crazy busy and I haven't even had time, but don't worry...i've still been snapping pictures of all the Luciano events. There's been everything from new workout regimes to spelling errors to updated sleeping arrangements...which is what I will focus on today.

So, let's just lay out my house for all of you who are unfamiliar. We have a total of 4 bedrooms in my house, one of which is my parents. That means that we have 3 bedrooms for 8 kids. But since my brothers are at school full time they don't really use their rooms, and my parents converted our old playroom into a room for me. So really, we have 3 bedrooms for 5 kids. Ever since we moved to our new house we have constantly been moving rooms around because no one can decide where they want to sleep at night. When I left for school in the fall, my parents used my old bed in Jenna and Sara's room, leaving Josh in a room by himself, and Erin and Kate in their room.

Let's just say that Erin, Kate, my parents and I are the only "normal" sleepers in our family. We have chosen to lay their heads down on nice comfortable beds at night in order to obtain the best sleep possible. I don't know if it's something to do with comfort, or something to do with the "adventure" of sleeping somewhere different, but the youngest 3 kids (Jenna, Josh, & Sara) have chosen different options. Let's just lay it out for you in pictures to make it more clear...

Josh's 1st sleeping arrangement:

I walked in and saw this...

Josh laying on the ground

Josh laying on the ground next to a bed

Josh laying on the ground next to two beds

Josh laying on the ground with two waterbottles, a flashlight, and his sing-a-ma-jig under a blanket

Josh sound asleep on his bearbear...on the hardwood floor

I was confused (to say the least) after seeing this, and I have to admit it took me a little while to take it all in...but the next night...I found something even more alarming. It seemed that Josh's obsession with the hardwood floor had spread to two of the other children. It also appeared that Josh was no longer satisfied with the middle of his floor for his "bed of choice." It was time to switch it up.

Josh's 2nd sleeping arrangement:

The abandoned hardwood floor :(

A bird? A plane?'s Josh sleeping in his closet.

All snuggly in the corner of the closet

What. The. Heck?

I was in utter shock. Why? Why doesn't the child sleep in his bed? I just didn't get it...then I walked into Jenna and Sara's room.

Jenna & Sara's Sleeping Arrangement:

An empty bed. Besides Lily (my cat) who obviously knows what beds are used for as opposed to my children who don't.

Jenna on one side of the bed.

Sara on the other.

Okay, so let's just get this straight. We have one child who chooses to sleep on either his floor or his closet at night, and two girls who sleep on either side of their huge bed. Honestly, I would say more...but I...I..I'm speechless.


  1. Definitely your best post to date!! Sooooo funny! This summer i'm going to sleep over all the time...... there are so many beds up for grab....why not?!

  2. Josh only slept in the closet for 1 night. Duh!
